a hermit for hire

stuff and things and things and stuff

A momentous day is upon me. The yearly Seed Savers order is in their hands. What did we get you ask?


  • Carrots (Rainbow Mix)
  • Cucumber (Early Fortune)
  • Cucumber (Parisian Pickling)
  • Leeks (Prizetaker)
  • Kale (Dwarf Blue Curled)
  • Onions (Ailsa Craig)
  • Parsnips (Student)
  • Peppers (Chocolate Beauty)
  • Radishes (Tokinashi All-Season)


  • Night-Scented Tobacco
  • Ring of Fire Sunflowers


  • Anise
  • Chives
  • Dill
  • German Chamomile
  • Hyssop
  • Rue
  • Sage
  • Thyme


  • Birdhouse Gourd

We'll still need to get some tomatoes, whether seed or start I'm not yet sure. Lettuce too of course1 . Maybe some beans? Potatoes? You can tell we haven't started deep planning, can't you?

I have two packs of seed that I'm especially looking forward to planting. One is ground cherry seed saved from a fellow Volunteer Master Gardener who was in my course cohort. The other is a pack of walking stick kale (aka Jersey cabbage), a thing I discovered existed last year3.

Getting this done has done wonders for my mood. It's nice to have the garden to look forward to again, especially after weeks of snow hanging around from the last storm. Bring it.

1 ಠ_ಠ2 2 That footnote is specifically for you. You know who you are. 3 AND I bought it without giving money to the Fascist-supporting seed company that pops up when you search for it.


I'd like to blog more often and that'll only happen by starting somewhere, so here we are... starting. Simply going to dwell just some reflections on the year past and the year to come. Easy, right? Eh, maybe not but I still feel compelled to throw some actual human-made content out on in an increasingly AI-poisoned world.

I think the highlight of my year has been participating in the local Volunteer Master Gardener courses with my local extension offices. Gained a lot of new knowledge and skills to apply to next year's garden. It's helped me feel a bit more confident with what we're planning to do as we expand the garden over the next few years.

We had the fortune of seeing both a comet and the aurora this Fall. I'm especially happy to bag the aurora, however faint it was. It's something I always wanted to see, so I'll take what I got, but here's hoping to see a stronger one sometime down the line. If I didn't feel guilt about flying I'd be up to head to Iceland for it, but it's nice to know I can tick it off my list of things to see without needing to do that.

We went back to Scotland which was absolutely wonderful. It was so good to get back in touch with some of the sites that made a big impression on me while living there. Special sites like Dunino Den and the various souterrains around Angus really speak to me in some weird way. Plus we added some new special sites like the Hermitage and Glamis Castle’s steadily expanding renewed walled garden. Add in reconnecting with family and it was a winning trip.

I suppose my last key, but dull, point worth sharing from this last year was that after many false starts I’m managed the full transition over to Linux. I’ve also got myself fully self-hosted for everything but picture sync via iCloud. Go me?

And now we shall slog forward to what I’m hoping to accomplish in the dreaded year 2025.

Other than continuing to grow as a Master Gardener via volunteer opportunities and expanding our garden once again, I’m just wanting to establish a few simple habits. Some small things I feel will make a big difference in my mood and quality of life.

The habits aren’t much, but I’ve been having trouble solidifying them in my life. I’d like to foster a meditation habit for instance. I manage for a while then just completely stop, so more focus required there for success. I need to focus on my physical therapy exercises to help my sciatica plus more stretching.

I’m hoping to focus more on my snacking and trying to avoid as much junk snacks has possible. Less chips, more veggies.

Finally I have a little personal edict to “be more druid”. Beyond gardening I need more time with nature. This insides more walking around my neighborhood for exercise and mental health to getting back out into Red River Gorge and other areas of natural beauty nearby.

Other than habits I hope to finish the second part of my Johnny Appleseed quest, this time visiting his gravesite and a dedicated museum. And if I’m lucky I might get to meet up with a Mastodon buddy on the way too!

And, finally, I hope to blog more. I find it difficult to get started and usually end up deciding not to bother because who wants to hear my thoughts on anything? Yet once I post I feel a little accomplishment and I’m happy just to try to rebuild some of the web of old before everything was partitioned off behind different walls. I may try a simple weekly update plus I want to track our garden this year. Hoping to eventually have a little historic database of records I can refer to in the future about how things worked out each year.


Been a while since I've updated how the garden is going. Of course we're mostly in shutdown mode like everyone else but it certainly doesn't mean there's not plenty to do. Here's some examples:

  • Hoping to plant some garlic this weekend.
  • Need to start planning the cold frame we've been blessed with material for.
  • Have a bunch of brush to chip and more to clear.
  • The garage needs some work now that it's cooled down (I write on a nearly 80°F day).
  • I put down cardboard for next year's garden expansion the other day. Need a bit more cardboard to really cover what I want, but that will also kill off the thickest and fastest growing patch of grass so bonus! We're going to chip the brush right on what I put down so it'll also save some pain on that front too.
  • Need to transplant our strawberries because we've decided to move them and the blueberries over by the blackberries to have a little berry patch. Blueberries have to wait a bit longer to be moved from what I've read.

All that and the thoughts of a bunch of other stuff I need to add to the list for next year. The Master Gardener stuff is going to wind up motivating me too much if I'm not careful.


Today’s harvest was two little pumpkins, three butternut squash and some San Marzano tomatoes. Another 3-4 squash have been attacked by the random wildlife of the yard. A fair offering I suppose.

I also got four more leaves of tobacco from our volunteer plants. The previous bundle of leaves is almost cured. It’s not quite my Papaw’s barn but at least I can get a hint of those wonderful memories by having a sniff of the few dried leaves we have.


May 4, 2024

I've spent most of my free time over the last week removing grass from bits of the yard so we could expand our garden this year. Between a broadfork, a pitchfork, a wheelbarrow, time, and sweat we managed to get it cleared yesterday.

This morning I took to the broadfork once more to loosen up the soil in two of what will end up being three patches in the newly widened area. Next weekend I'll be finishing up that final area so we can get some tomatoes in the ground.

With that out of the way we planted:

  • bunching and regular onions
  • carrots
  • red and bibb lettuce
  • kale
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • corn

The corn will be joined by her other sisters (squash and beans) once ready. There are peppers, celery, leeks, and maybe some decorative gourds to come as well. Salsify will be planted a bit later in the year.

In other areas I planted hyssop, love lies bleeding and threw a few pumpkin seeds into the back corner of the yard. If they grow, they grow. I didn't feel like dealing with the pumpkins taking over a chunk of the yard again though, thus why i chose that place for them.

It's been fantastic to finally get my hands in the dirt and break a good, well-earned sweat. The robins have been thrilled too, getting their fill of grubs and worms each step of the way.

All-in-all, a Good Day.
